Sunday, September 15, 2013

Game Lab 1

In the first Game Lab I played two card games, Cards Against Humanity and One Thousand Blank White Cards. There were four members in my group, me Bob, Sklyer and Alyssa.
Cards Against Humanity
The first game we played was the game I brought in to share, Cards Against Humanity.  I printed my own copy from here .This game is simple to learn and to play. The basic discription from the Cards Against Humanity is “The game is simple. Each round, one player asks a question from a Black Card, and everyone else answers with their funniest White Card.” This game is basically  rated R version of  Apples to Apples 

The mechanics of Cards Against Humanity are selection and prediction.  You are selecting cards and predicting which card might be selected.

One Thousand Blank White Cards
This was the second game we played. One Thousand Blank White Cards  is a game about creating, creating rules, creating cards and creating fun. Winning is not really the point of the game it is more about the process of playing. This Youtube video has a pretty good overall description of this game and how to play it.

The mechanics of One Thousand Blank White Cards is building. You are building the deck and the game.

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